Medal Discounts 2021 - ABP Southampton

The Scholars Arms (Greene King Logo)

Located on Above Bar Street The Scholar’s Arms are offering 10% off on food & drink to medal holders! This discount is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers the pub has on at the time.


The Grumpy Monkey (Monkey Logo)

Located at 144 Above Bar Street, The Grumpy Monkey are offering £3 Pint! With 15% off food for all medal holders.


One 0 Four- 5% off discount.

Located at 104 Above Bar Street, One 0 Four are offering all medal holders 5% off food & drink on event day!


London Road Brew House

London Road Brew House are offering a FREE Pint to all medal holders for the ABP Southampton Marathon! You will find them located on London Road.


Thank you to our sponsors

ABP Southampton blue